Attribute Selection in Decision Trees

For constructing a new node in decision tree, choosing which attribute to partition the data on is important. Choosing a less desirable attribute to split the data on may result in lower performance. Lets look into a few important measures which helps us find the best attribute.

Information Gain

Information Gain is defined as amount of information gained about a random variable (outcome) from observing another (attribute). We can quantify information gain as difference in entropy when random variable is observed.

$$\begin{aligned} IG(T,A) &= H(T) - H(T|A) \\ H(T) &= -\sum_{c\in C}^{}p_c\log_2 p_c \\ H(T|A) &= \sum_{a \in A}p_a H(T_a) \end{aligned}$$ Here $H(T)$ is the entropy of set $T$ and $T_a = \{t\in T: t_{A} = a\}$ is its subset of items with attribute $A=a$. Also, $p_a = \frac{\left|T_a\right|}{|T|}$.

GINI Impurity

GINI Impurity is a measure of how often a randomly chosen element from a set would be incorrectly labeled if it was randomly labeled according to the distribution of an attribute in the set.

Let say we partition the input set $T$ according to the values of attribute $A$ such that $T = \bigcup_{a\in A} T_a$. The split would be ideal if each of the partitions would have only a single class (different subset can have same class).

GINI impurity quantifies having multiple classes in same partition. $$\begin{aligned} G(T_a) &= \sum_{c\in C}p_{a,c}\left(\textstyle\sum_{k \neq c} p_{a,k}\right) \\ &=\sum_{c\in C}p_{a,c}(1-p_{a,c}) \\ &= 1 - \sum_{c\in C}p_{a,c}^2 \end{aligned}$$

Overall GINI Impurity score of partitioning $T$ according to $A$ is $$\begin{aligned} G(A) &= \sum_{a\in A}p_{a}G(T_a) \quad \\ &= \sum_{a\in A} p_{a} \left(1- \sum_{c\in C}p_{a,c}^{2}\right) \end{aligned}$$

$p_a$ fraction of elements which has attribute $a$ $p_{a,c}$ fraction of elements in class $c$ and has attribute $a$

Variance Reduction

Variance reduction is used when target variable is continuous (tree is a regression tree). If the set $T$ is being partitioned into $T_L$ and $T_R$, the reduction in variance is given by $$\begin{aligned} V(T) = Var(T) &- \left(\frac{|T_L|}{|T|}Var(T_L)+\frac{|T_R|}{|T|}Var(T_R)\right)
\end{aligned}$$ For calculating the best split point, the standard variance calculation formula would require recalculation of mean repeatedly. But we can compute variance without explicitly calculating mean as $$Var(S) = \frac{1}{|S|^2}\sum_{i,j\in S}(y_i-y_j)^2 $$

tags: #machine-learning