Longest Consecutive Sequence [LC#128]
Given an unsorted array of integers nums, return the length of the longest consecutive elements sequence.
Brute Force
- Consider each element as seed.
- Check if next element in the sequece is in the list. keep track of sequence length
- Sort the array.
- Check the length of longest conseqtive sequence
Hash Table based look up
- For each num, if num-1 is not in the list, then its possibly a sequence’s begning
- For each sequence begning, check if conseqtive elements are in the list
- Each valid sequence is tested once
def longest_consecutive_sequence(nums: List[int]) -> int: entries = set(nums) best = 0 for num in nums: if num-1 not in entries: next_num, seq_len = num+1, 1 while next_num in entries: next_num += 1 seq_len += 1 best = max(best, seq_len) return best