Zero Array Transformation II [LC#3356]
You are given an integer array nums of length
and a 2D array queries wherequeries[i] = [l_i, r_i, val_i]
. Eachqueries[i]
represents the following action on nums:
- Decrement the value at each index in the range
[l_i, r_i]
in nums by at mostval_i
.- The amount by which each value is decremented can be chosen independently for each index. A Zero Array is an array with all its elements equal to 0. Return the minimum possible non-negative value of
, such that after processing the firstk
queries in sequence, nums becomes a Zero Array. If no suchk
exists, return-1
Line sweep and binary search on min queries required.
def minZeroArray(nums: List[int], queries: List[List[int]]) -> int:
n, m = len(nums), len(queries)
def apply_query(T) -> bool:
arr = [0] * n
for left, right, val in queries[:T]:
arr[left] += val
if right + 1 < n:
arr[right + 1] -= val
prev = 0
for i in range(n):
prev += arr[i]
if prev < nums[i]:
return False
return True
L, R = 0, m
if not apply_query(m):
return -1
while L < R:
mid = L + (R - L) // 2
if apply_query(mid):
R = mid
L = mid + 1
return R