
01 Arrays
01a Two Sum
01b Three Sum
01d Duplicate Number
01e Containers with Most Water
01g Median in a Stream
01h Binary Search
01h01 Binary Search in Sroted Array
binary search
01h02 First and Last Position in a Sorted Array
binary search
01h03 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
binary search
01h04 Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag
binary search
01i Monotonic Stack
monotonic stack
01i01 Largest Rectangle in Histogram
monotonic stack
01i02 Sum of Subarray Minimums
monotonic stack
01i03 Daily Temperatures
monotonic stack
01j Subarray
01j01 Maximum Subarray Sum
01j02 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
01j03 Continuous Subarray Sum
01j04 Subarray Sum Equals K
01j05 Product of Array Except Self
02 Strings
02b Longest Common Prefix
02c Group Anagrams
02d Edit Distances
02e Palindromes
02e01 Longest Palindromic Substring
02e02 Count Palindromic Substrings
02e03 Manacher Algorithm
02e04 Palindromic Partition
02f Sliding Window
02f01 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
02f03 Take K of Each Character From Left and Right
03 Sequences
03a Longest Consecutive Sequence
03b Longest Increasing Subsequence
03c Longest Common Subsequence
03d Longest Palindromic Subsequence
03e Sum of Good Subsequences
04 Intervals
04a Merge Intervals
04b Insert Interval
04c Min Meeting Rooms
04d Line Sweep Technique
line sweep
04d01 Zero Array Transformation I
line sweep
04d02 Zero Array Transformation II
line sweep binary search
04d03 Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists
line sweep intervals
05 Linked List
05a Reverse Linked List
05b Remove Nth Node From End of List
05c Merging Two Sorted Linked Lists
05e Merge K Sorted Lists
05f Detecting a Cycle in Linked List
05g Implementing LRU Cache
06 Trees
06a Tree Traversals
06a01 In Order
06a02 Pre Order
06a03 Post Order
06a04 Level Order
06a05 Binary Tree from its Traversals
06b Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
06c Lowest Common Ancestor
06c01 In a Binary Tree
06c02 In a Binary Search Tree
06d Segment Trees
07 Graphs
07a BFS
07b DFS
07c Topological Sort
07c01 BFS like Topological Sort (Kahn Algorithm)
07c02 DFS like Topological Sort
07d Connected Components
07e Single Source Shortest Path
07e01 Dijkstra Algorithm
07e02 Bellman-Ford Algorithm
07f Minimum Spanning Tree
07f01 Kruskal's algorithm
07f02 Prim's Algorithm
07g Max Flow Min Cut
08 Sets
08a Constructing Powersets
08b DSU Union-Find
08b03 The Earliest Moment When Everyone Become Friends
08c DSU with Rollbacks
08d Permutations
08d02 Next Permutation
09 Knapsack
09a Bounded Knapsack
09b Unbounded Knapsack
09c Fractional Knapsack
09d subsetsum to knapsack
10 Backtracking
10a N-Queens Problem
10b Sudoku Solver
10c Permutations
11 Greedy Approach
03a Implementing Self Attention
self attention transformers